Thursday, July 10, 2008

Government Job Search: Part Four

The wait to know whether I got the job was a long one. Of course it wasn't going to be any other way.

Although I was full of emotions, positive in regards to possibly getting the job, negative in the thought of not getting it, I remained determined to not rest all my hopes in this one opportunity.

In the event I did not get the job, a backup plan was needed. Just like many other students, money is tight and the summer gives you a chance to make back some of what was spent through the school year.

So with that said, I began my job search.

Since I have had extensive experience in retail, it is here where I looked first. I applied at many of the retail chains that where in the malls around town.

After receiving some calls back, I weighted my options. In the end though, I passed on a couple interview opportunities. I didn't really want to work in retail again. What I was doing was a silly process because I knew that I really wanted this job with the government. Nothing else was going to satsify me. I needed this new experience.

The days went by. No phone calls at all. I continued to work my other job, waiting for a call. I would not have cared if it was a rejection call in the least. My patience was definetely being tested to the fullest.

My call came....acceptance. I was hired. I was in. A smile quickly filled my face, energizing my body as I leapt in joy. My mom was in the house as I ran upstairs, bursting out the good news.

My mom was so happy that she lifted me up in her arms (something I was quite surprsied since she is quite a petite woman) and we celebrated together.

Exciting times for me and new challenges await for me. See you retail...hope you don't miss me for too long. I won't :).